I haven’t blogged since last Fall! I meant to, and even started an article, but realized that not enough was happening in the area of photography to justify it. Instead, I had been working on a stained glass piece that now hangs in my kitchen window. (The first shot is the panel at night; the second is the panel with daylight behind.)

I also taught stained glass to a woman from our church, who completed her project and gave it to her brother for Christmas. It’s a joy to create things (digital images, or glass), and to teach.
In the middle of January my wife and I went on a cruise to the Caribbean: Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Grand Turk, and Nassau, Bahamas. The weather was warm and the accommodations were great (in contrast to the weather in Pittsburgh, which was down around 0 degrees Fahrenheit). I got some great shots of the ship with my different lenses. I tried to shoot when there was no one in sight — a bit of a challenge on the bright, warm days in the popular venues like the Sun Deck. What struck me were the strong compositional elements, really architectural elements, that stood out when I looked in the right places. Curves and straight lines drew the eye along in a pleasing way. To see the images properly, click on them and they will open in their proper format.

Sometimes the contrast of the ship’s shapes with the sky, sea, or clouds caught my eye.

Evening or early morning also gave me an opportunity to capture the dwindling or increasing light on the Sun Deck (Deck 11, where our stateroom was located).

That’s it for now. In other posts, I will show some of the other images from our cruise, in particular shots from our excursions on shore, some flowers, some urban images, and some art images of crowds using a selective-focus lens, the Lensbaby Spark.