What Can Be Done with Your Wedding Photos

Samples of Wedding Album Pages

A client who has booked wedding photography asked about wedding albums. It is not common to be asked about albums, as people are much more oriented to websites and social media for sharing images from their big day. However, albums have an appeal that can’t be matched by the transitory images on the screen. For one, they are often easy to find: they’re on a shelf somewhere, or in a box, and you can find them without much hunting. So a year or two later, you can find them and show friends. For another, they are tangible — you can hold them in your hand, and they remind you of how significant, how substantial the events of that day were. Finally, you can pass them on to your children, or to other family members. Your album will eventually have that dated look that now makes old books so interesting to you — a pointer to permanence.

While I can simply lay out pictures in a book, and am happy to do so, my specialty is tastefully compositing, or combining images and treating them with a consistent style. What follows below and in following pages are three samples of the kind of thing I can do for you. Let’s talk!

James and Laura

Example 1

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